Dew claws, or the extra digits found on the inner side of a dog’s front legs, can present several issues that may require removal. If you are a new puppy owner or are considering getting one, it’s important to understand the benefits of removing dew claws. Here are five compelling reasons why this procedure is often recommended by veterinarians.

  1. Prevent Injury: One of the main reasons for removing dew claws is to prevent injury. Dew claws are not securely attached to the paw and can easily get caught on objects, leading to painful tears and injuries. By removing the dew claws, you can reduce the risk of injury and ensure your puppy can run and play without any discomfort.
  2. Improve Mobility: Dew claws can also impact a dog’s gait, leading to awkwardness and imbalances. This can cause joint problems and arthritis, especially in older dogs. Removing dew claws can help improve mobility and prevent these types of issues.
  3. Facilitate Grooming: Another advantage of removing dew claws is that they can collect dirt, debris, and matting, making grooming more difficult and leading to hygiene issues. By removing the dew claws, you can simplify the grooming process and keep your puppy clean and healthy.
  4. Avoid Congenital Issues: In some cases, dew claws can develop congenital problems, such as infections, growth abnormalities, and nail bed tumors. Removing the dew claws can prevent these types of issues and ensure your puppy remains healthy.
  5. Align with Breed Standards: Finally, in some breeds, dew claws are considered a fault and removing them is required to conform to breed standards in shows. If you are planning to show your puppy, it’s important to understand the breed standards and whether removing dew claws is necessary.

In conclusion, removing dew claws can provide several benefits for your puppy’s health and well-being. If you are considering this procedure, be sure to talk to your veterinarian and understand the risks and benefits. With proper care and attention, you can ensure your puppy grows up healthy and happy.